ROX Index Versus MROX Index to Predict Treatment Outcome for High Flow Nasal Cannula And/or Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Respiratory Failure

Publication date: Nov 29, 2024

One of managing steps in respiratory failure is high flow nasal cannula (HFNC), but the exact time to turn to invasive machine ventilation (IMV) is necessarily being determined. Respiratory rate and oxygenation (ROX) index, defined as the ratio of oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry (SO2)/ FiO2 to respiratory rate (RR), is used to determine when to intubate the patients who are on HFNC and prevent the delayed intubation. Modified Respiratory rate and oxygenation (mROX), defined as (PaO2/ FiO2) / respiratory rate, is also used to point the time of intubation in case HFNC of patients with respiratory failure . The diagnostic and prognostic accuracy of both parameters are reported in previous papers, but the preference of them is under research. In this study, we aim to observe and compare the diagnostic accuracy between ROX and mROX in determine the time of invasive mechanical ventilation.

Concepts Keywords
Decades mROX index
Lung noninvasive ventilation
Pediatric ROX index


Type Source Name
disease MESH Respiratory Failure
drug DRUGBANK Oxygen

Original Article

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