Publication date: Nov 20, 2024
The reduction due to KatG mutation resists INH medications commonly used to treat TB and is the most common cause of multi-drug resistance of TB. It will make INH, a common medication used against TB, continuously a more effective treatment that will save millions of lives each year. Research has indicated that Mtb is capable of existing outside of the body for weeks. This is a utility enzyme, and it has never been considered as a drug target. What if we inhibit KatGs catalase activity? KatG serves two functions. KatG has been utilized as a pro-drug activator for more than 72 years.
Concepts | Keywords |
Biochemist | Activity |
Investigator | Catalase |
Tuberculosis | Diseases |
University | Drug |
Weeks | Existing |
Host | |
Infectious | |
Katg | |
Liu | |
Mtb | |
Peroxidase | |
Project | |
Team | |
Utsa | |
Years |
Type | Source | Name |
drug | DRUGBANK | Oxygen |
drug | DRUGBANK | Hydrogen peroxide |
drug | DRUGBANK | Isoniazid |
pathway | KEGG | Tuberculosis |
disease | MESH | tuberculosis |
disease | MESH | infectious diseases |
disease | IDO | pathogen |
disease | IDO | host |
disease | IDO | role |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ranitidine |
disease | IDO | facility |
disease | IDO | protein |