The SH3-binding domain of chorismate mutase protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contributes to mycobacterial virulence.

The SH3-binding domain of chorismate mutase protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contributes to mycobacterial virulence.

Publication date: Nov 15, 2024

Crystal structure of the secretory chorismate mutase protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtbCM) reveals presence of a proline rich region on its surface that serve as a recognition site for protein-protein interaction. This study shows that MtbCM upregulates IL-10 which favors M. tuberculosis by affecting PKCε-MKP-1-p38 MAPK signaling. MtbCM translocates to the Golgi-network where it interacts with AKAP9 via its SH3-binding domain to inhibit AKAP9-PKCε interaction and reducing PKCε phosphorylation. In the absence of phosphorylated PKCε, IRAK3 fails to stabilize MKP-1 resulting in higher p38 MAPK activation and IL-10 production. M. smegmatis expressing MtbCM survived better in infected mice. Mutation in SH3-binding domain ablated MtbCM-AKAP9 interaction resulting in IL-10 production and decreased bacterial survival. This study highlights the importance of SH3-binding domain in host-pathogen interaction and a role of MtbCM in modulation of cytokine response and mycobacterial virulence in addition to its role in shikimate pathway.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Cytokine Cell biology
Mice Microbiology
Mycobacterium Molecular microbiology


Type Source Name
disease IDO protein
disease IDO virulence
drug DRUGBANK Proline
disease IDO site
drug DRUGBANK Interleukin-10
disease MESH tuberculosis
pathway KEGG Tuberculosis
drug DRUGBANK Tropicamide
disease IDO role
disease IDO virulence factor
disease IDO production
disease IDO host
drug DRUGBANK Estrone sulfate
disease IDO process
drug DRUGBANK Amino acids
drug DRUGBANK Phosphoenolpyruvate
drug DRUGBANK Phosphate ion
disease IDO bacteria
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease IDO cell
drug DRUGBANK L-Tyrosine
drug DRUGBANK L-Phenylalanine
disease MESH infection
disease MESH death
disease IDO pathogen
drug DRUGBANK Kanamycin
drug DRUGBANK Albendazole
disease IDO assay
drug DRUGBANK Aspartame
drug DRUGBANK Sodium lauryl sulfate
drug DRUGBANK Silver
drug DRUGBANK Serine
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
drug DRUGBANK Formaldehyde
disease IDO infectious agent
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease MESH shock
drug DRUGBANK p-Phenylenediamine
drug DRUGBANK L-Leucine
drug DRUGBANK Dihydrostreptomycin
drug DRUGBANK Infliximab
disease MESH necrosis
disease MESH oncogenesis
drug DRUGBANK Huperzine B
drug DRUGBANK Nitric Oxide
pathway KEGG Phagosome
pathway KEGG Lysosome
drug DRUGBANK Oxygen
disease IDO susceptibility
pathway REACTOME Apoptosis
drug DRUGBANK L-Aspartic Acid
pathway KEGG Endocytosis
drug DRUGBANK Inositol
disease MESH Burkitt’s lymphoma
disease IDO reagent
drug DRUGBANK Isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside
disease IDO facility
drug DRUGBANK Timonacic
drug DRUGBANK Ampicillin
drug DRUGBANK Glycerin
drug DRUGBANK Tromethamine
drug DRUGBANK Cobalt
drug DRUGBANK Imidazole
drug DRUGBANK Histidine
drug DRUGBANK Dextrose unspecified form
disease IDO blood
drug DRUGBANK Sucrose
drug DRUGBANK Edetic Acid
drug DRUGBANK Flunarizine
drug DRUGBANK Methylergometrine
drug DRUGBANK Propyl alcohol
drug DRUGBANK Ethanol
drug DRUGBANK Medical air
drug DRUGBANK Water
drug DRUGBANK Cefoxitin
disease IDO colony

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