Genome-wide screen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages revealed GID/CTLH complex-mediated modulation of bacterial growth.

Publication date: Oct 29, 2024

The eukaryotic Glucose Induced Degradation/C-Terminal to LisH (GID/CTLH) complex is a highly conserved E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in a broad range of biological processes. However, a role of this complex in host anti-microbial defenses has not been described. We exploited Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) induced cytotoxicity in macrophages in a FACS based CRISPR genetic screen to identify host determinants of intracellular Mtb growth restriction. Our screen identified 5 (GID8, YPEL5, WDR26, UBE2H, MAEA) of the 12 predicted members of the GID/CTLH complex as determinants of intracellular growth of both Mtb and Salmonella serovar Typhimurium. We show that the anti-microbial properties of the GID/CTLH complex knockout macrophages are mediated by enhanced GABAergic signaling, activated AMPK, increased autophagic flux and resistance to Mtb induced necrotic cell death. Meanwhile, Mtb isolated from GID/CTLH knockout macrophages are nutritionally starved and oxidatively stressed. Our study identifies the GID/CTLH complex activity as broadly suppressive of host anti-microbial responses against intracellular bacterial infections.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Death Animals
Genetic Autophagy
Glucose Host-Pathogen Interactions
Increased Humans
Mycobacterium Macrophages
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Salmonella typhimurium
Signal Transduction
Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases
Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases


Type Source Name
drug DRUGBANK Dextrose unspecified form
disease IDO role
disease IDO host
disease MESH Mtb
pathway KEGG Tuberculosis
disease MESH bacterial infections
disease MESH death
disease IDO pathogen
disease MESH infection
pathway KEGG Phagosome
pathway KEGG Lysosome
pathway REACTOME Fatty acids
drug DRUGBANK Cholesterol
disease IDO cell
disease IDO blood
disease MESH necrosis
disease MESH aids
pathway REACTOME Apoptosis
pathway REACTOME Autophagy
disease IDO production
drug DRUGBANK Spinosad
drug DRUGBANK BCG vaccine
disease IDO replication
disease IDO virulence
disease IDO bacteria
drug DRUGBANK Estradiol
disease IDO assay
disease IDO colony
disease IDO protein
pathway REACTOME Signal Transduction

Original Article

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