New consortium receives NIH grant to accelerate development of effective TB treatments

Publication date: Jul 11, 2024

ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence // Werkzeug Debugger


ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence

Traceback (most recent call last)

  • File “/usr/local/lib/python3. 9/site-packages/flask/app. py”, line 2548, in __call__

     def __call__(self, environ: dict, start_response: t. Callable) -> t. Any:

     """The WSGI server calls the Flask application object as the

     WSGI application. This calls :meth:'wsgi_app', which can be

     wrapped to apply middleware. 


     return self. wsgi_app(environ, start_response)
  • File “/usr/local/lib/python3. 9/site-packages/flask/app. py”, line 2528, in wsgi_app


     ctx. push()

     response = self. full_dispatch_request()

     except Exception as e:

     error = e

     response = self. handle_exception(e)

     except: # noqa: B001

     error = sys. exc_info()[1]


     return response(environ, start_response)

  • File “/usr/local/lib/python3. 9/site-packages/flask/app. py”, line 2525, in wsgi_app

     ctx = self. request_context(environ)

     error: t. Optional[BaseException] = None



     ctx. push()

     response = self. full_dispatch_request()

     except Exception as e:

     error = e

     response = self. handle_exception(e)

     except: # noqa: B001

     error = sys. exc_info()[1]
  • File “/usr/local/lib/python3. 9/site-packages/flask/app. py”, line 1822, in full_dispatch_request

     request_started. send(self)

     rv = self. preprocess_request()

     if rv is None:

     rv = self. dispatch_request()

     except Exception as e:

     rv = self. handle_user_exception(e)

     return self. finalize_request(rv)


     def finalize_request(


     rv: t. Union[ft. ResponseReturnValue, HTTPException],
  • File “/usr/local/lib/python3. 9/site-packages/flask/app. py”, line 1820, in full_dispatch_request



     request_started. send(self)

     rv = self. preprocess_request()

     if rv is None:

     rv = self. dispatch_request()

     except Exception as e:

     rv = self. handle_user_exception(e)

     return self. finalize_request(rv)


     def finalize_request(
  • File “/usr/local/lib/python3. 9/site-packages/flask/app. py”, line 1796, in dispatch_request

     and req. method == "OPTIONS"


     return self. make_default_options_response()

     # otherwise dispatch to the handler for that endpoint

     view_args: t. Dict[str, t. Any] = req. view_args # type: ignore[assignment]

     return self. ensure_sync(self. view_functions[rule. endpoint])(**view_args)


     def full_dispatch_request(self) -> Response:

     """Dispatches the request and on top of that performs request

     pre and postprocessing as well as HTTP exception catching and

     error handling. 
  • File “/nlpapps/app. py”, line 462, in process_summarytext


     sentence_list = nltk. sent_tokenize(article_text)


    # Find the weighted frequency


     maximum_frequncy = max(word_frequencies. values())


     for word in word_frequencies. keys():

     word_frequencies[word] = (word_frequencies[word]/maximum_frequncy)


    # Calculate sentence scores

ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence

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Console Locked

The console is locked and needs to be unlocked by entering the PIN. You can find the PIN printed out on the standard output of your shell that runs the server.


Concepts Keywords
Accelerate Accelerate
Consortium Consortium
Effective Effective
Grant Grant
Treatments Nih

Original Article

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